Legal Status
Legal Status

As used in this website, “China Sunbow Law Firm - PRC lawyers, trademark and patent attorney”, duly incorporated and effectively existing under the Chinese laws, is a full-service law firm practising on Chinese commercial laws and intellectual property laws and take the form of a partnership. This firm shall only refer to the law firm which has been duly registered in China, and is irrelevant with our another entity - "China Sunbow & Associates Limited" which is registered with the Company Registry of the Hong Kong Government. This Hong Kong based entity is not a law firm, and is not qualified to practise any Hong Kong laws before any Hong Kong courts.

Under the governing Chinese laws, the liability of the firm incurred, while it is a limited partnership, arising in contract, tort, and breach or otherwise, shall be the sole liability of the firm and be limited to its total assets of the firm. The partners of the firm shall not personally liable, directly or indirectly, by way of indemnification or otherwise, for the liability of the firm solely for being or acting as the partners of the firm after their full capital contributions to the firm as provided in such laws.

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